Commit 0708ee
Cases/The Cutting Room Floor | |
@@ 105,12 105,17@@ | |
After you finish the 10 songs, you go back to Dots and open the next part of the case a pillar will come out of the ground with a memory on the top of it. This signifies that you have to do parkour to get to it. Once you get it, when you get back to dots, he says, | |
>|#Dialogue: | |
- | >|Dots:"shade hasn't returned in quite some time" |
+ | >| Dots:"shade hasn't returned in quite some time" |
- | >|Dots notices the card |
+ | >| |
- | >|Dots: "Hey, wait, look at that! That's Shade on the card!" |
+ | >| Dots notices the card |
- | >|Dots: "I think- I think that this is her memory!" |
+ | >| |
- | >|Dots:"Yeah, it has to be! This could lead us to her!" |
+ | >| Dots: "Hey, wait, look at that! That's Shade on the card!" |
- | >|Dots: "Quick, check the memory! Tell me what you see right away!" |
+ | >| |
+ | >| Dots: "I think- I think that this is her memory!" |
# Objective 5 (View the third memory) | |
+ | >| |
*(Rewards 3,600 Cheddar to non-premium players and 4,680 Cheddar to Premium players) | |
+ | >| Dots:"Yeah, it has to be! This could lead us to her!" |
+ | >| |
+ | >| Dots: "Quick, check the memory! Tell me what you see right away!" |
@@ 157,29 162,29@@ | |
*(Awards 4,800 Cheddar to non-premium players, and 6,240 Cheddar to Premium players) | |
>|#Dialogue: | |
- | >|Viro: "augh, my head..." |
>| | |
- | >|Viro: "hold on a second, i need to catch my breath..." |
>| | |
- | >|Shade: "What was that?? Wh-What were you doing down here?" |
>| | |
+ | >| Viro: "augh, my head..." |
- | >|Viro: "it-it doesn't involve you!" |
>| | |
+ | >| Viro: "hold on a second, i need to catch my breath..." |
- | >|Viro: "AUGH!" |
>| | |
+ | >| Shade: "What was that?? Wh-What were you doing down here?" |
- | >|Viro: "god, what is happening to me" |
>| | |
+ | >| Viro: "it-it doesn't involve you!" |
- | >|Shade: "What were you messing with?? Be serious for once in your life!" |
>| | |
+ | >| Viro: "AUGH!" |
- | >|Viro: "s-seriously, just leave me alone! I need to-" |
>| | |
+ | >| Viro: "god, what is happening to me" |
- | >|Shade: "No, I'm done being nice, I'm losing my paitence with you." |
>| | |
+ | >| Shade: "What were you messing with?? Be serious for once in your life!" |
- | >|Shade: "Take whatever the hell's going on with you as a sign and LEAVE. This is your last chanc-" |
>| | |
+ | >| Viro: "s-seriously, just leave me alone! I need to-" |
- | >|(Cutscene of Viro glitching) |
>| | |
+ | >| Shade: "No, I'm done being nice, I'm losing my paitence with you." |
- | >|Viro: "I ALREADY TOLD YOU! I'M... NOT... LEAVING!!!!!!! |
Start of MyDOOM. | |
+ | >| Shade: "Take whatever the hell's going on with you as a sign and LEAVE. This is your last chanc-" |
# Objective 7.5 (MyDoom) | |
MyDoom is a 3 minute 33 second song and is made by JDST(Difficulty rating: 7/10). It is the third and final song of the case. There are two new notes, A green glitch note and a purple glitch note. Both of them are the same, they both deal around half of the hp and obstructs the note lane for 2-3 seconds. | |
+ | >| (Cutscene of Viro glitching) |
+ | >| Viro: "I ALREADY TOLD YOU! I'M... NOT... LEAVING!!!!!!! |
@@ 189,39 194,45@@ | |
>|#Dialogue: | |
- | >|Dots: "Hey, hey, welcome back!" |
>| | |
- | >|Dots: "What did you see? Any idea of Shade's been?" |
>| | |
- | >|(The Player tells dots nothing important) |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "Hey, hey, welcome back!" |
- | >|Dots: "Nothing important? Really?" |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "What did you see? Any idea of Shade's been?" |
- | >|Dots: "The memory was corrupted?" |
>| | |
+ | >| (The Player tells dots nothing important) |
- | >|Dots: "Why.... do I feel like you're hiding something from me." |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "Nothing important? Really?" |
- | >|Dots: "I mean, that other memory was in much worse condition, and it worked just fine!" |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "The memory was corrupted?" |
- | >|Dots: "You're hiding something from me too, aren't you?" |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "Why.... do I feel like you're hiding something from me." |
- | >|Dots: "Argh! I knew it! Why does nobody trust me at all! Why does everybody have to keep telling me what I can and can't do? |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "I mean, that other memory was in much worse condition, and it worked just fine!" |
- | >|Dots: "It's like no one respects me. No one sees me as an actual detective." |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "You're hiding something from me too, aren't you?" |
- | >|Dots: "You know what, fine. Keep your secrets! I'll get down to the bottom of this case myself! No matter what it takes." |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "Argh! I knew it! Why does nobody trust me at all! Why does everybody have to keep telling me what I can and can't do? |
- | >|Dots: "Then maybe you'll all see me as a real detective!" |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "It's like no one respects me. No one sees me as an actual detective." |
- | >|Dots: "..." |
>| | |
+ | >| Dots: "You know what, fine. Keep your secrets! I'll get down to the bottom of this case myself! No matter what it takes." |
- | >|Dots: "Once I find out where she is..." |
- | |
+ | >| Dots: "Then maybe you'll all see me as a real detective!" |
>|#Trivia | |
- | >|Hey, a random who found your site here, we see "mynameisstitched" or something like that be typed. This seems to confirm that Stitched is typing, as well as trying to kill himself??? (oh and r.i.p. Viro) |
+ | >| Dots: "..." |
- | >| MyDOOM in the real world is a actual computer worm virus. |
>|For the first few minutes of the case being live, either completing or exiting out of the first memory would send you to a devtest server instead of the normal game. | |
+ | >| Dots: "Once I find out where she is..." |
>|After completing "View ???'s Memory, it renames itself to "View Viro's Memory" | |
+ | >| |
>|In the dialogue for when Shade found out that Dots stole memory cards, one of the words "business" is actually misspelled as "buisiness." | |
+ | >|you are then awarded with a badge |
+ | >| |
+ | >Hey, a random who found your site here, we see "mynameisstitched" or something like that be typed. This seems to confirm that Stitched is typing, as well as trying to kill himself??? (oh and r.i.p. Viro) |
+ | >| |
+ | >| MyDOOM in the real world is a actual computer worm virus. |
+ | >| |
+ | >| |
+ | >| |