Commit 0d4ec5

@@ 10,11 10,12@@
- Virus Detected
#### The Initiation
- The Initiation is the first case that becomes available to the player upon first joining the game. It serves as an introduction to the case and mission system and to Dots as a character.
+ The Initiation is the first case that becomes available to the player upon first joining the game. It serves as an introduction to the Case System and unlocks Daily Missions aswell introduces Dots as a Character.
#### Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin'
Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin' was the first major case added to the game, curiously coming out an entire week before Virus Detected.
- In this case, the player must assist Shade with recovering the game's developer who has been kidnapped by Roblox Trust and Safety and cast into Banland.
+ In this case, the player must assist Shade with recovering the game's developer who has been kidnapped by Roblox Trust and Safety and cast into Banland.
+ P.S. This case originated on the times when game's developer got banned by roblox for several days for uploading Vs Matt songs.
- Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin' is the only RAT! case to p feature remixes of preexisting Friday Night Funkin' songs as opposed to having a fully original soundtrack.
+ Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin' is the only RAT! case to p feature remixes of preexisting Friday Night Funkin' songs as opposed to having a fully original soundtrack that are present in Virus Detected.