Commit 261645
Dots | |
@@ 20,16 20,27@@ | |
>|#Upon first opening the Missions screen, he can say lines As Followed | |
>| | |
>|"Have you ever had Ana's eclairs? Best pastries I've ever had." | |
>| "Apparently Purple is important." | |
+ | >| |
>| "25. 25 is the limit before they stop." | |
>| "Did She really pack me the ham and Cheese ones and not the pizza ones?" | |
+ | >| |
>| "My name is Dots, seems like it'd mean more than that, but it doesn't." | |
>| "Not much for conversation, huh?" | |
+ | >| |
>| "My eye? I shot it out. Just kidding, I only hit an icicle." | |
>| "Good Afternoon, or Morning, or Night, depends on your settings." | |
+ | >| |
>| "If you listen closely, you can hear the clicking." | |
>| "New things for you to do" | |
+ | >| |
>| "My Mom want's me home for dinner" | |
>| "Yeah, I'm no big deal. Just the Cool, Quiet type who Fights crime in the night." | |
+ | >| |
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