Commit 59ef61

The Cutting Room Floor
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After calling Shade bossy and other stuff, Dots suggests that the Player should check the memory, since they know how to look into them.
# Objective 1 (View ???'s Memory)
- (Rewards 2,400 Cheddar to non-premium players and 3,120 Cheddar to Premium players) As soon as we check the memory, we see Viro teleporting into some sort of purgatory.
+ *(Rewards 2,400 Cheddar to non-premium players and 3,120 Cheddar to Premium players)
+ As soon as we check the memory, we see Viro teleporting into some sort of purgatory.
After remembering the events of Virus Detected (Spearmint shot the computer Viro was manifesting(Aka dummy's computer)), he redirects his mind into figuring out how to get back to the RAT Universe.
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After reaching it, Viro notices that he isn't going be teleporting to the normal RAT lobby, but decides to take chances anyway. After this, you get teleported back to the original RAT game.
# Objective 2 (View the second memory)
- _(_Rewards 2,400 Cheddar to non-premium players and 3,120 Cheddar to Premium players)
You talk to Dots, and tell him that the memory we were looking at was Viro's. Before the tourist can tell Dots the events that took place in the memory, Dots shows a different memory card.
+ *(Rewards 2,400 Cheddar to non-premium players and 3,120 Cheddar to Premium players)
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At the end of the song, the screen fades black again. After You beat the song, you are teleported to a pillar in the sky with parkour to Stitched. But on the last block to Stitched, the block is fake so you fall. After you fall through the block, you are disconnected for "Player has been removed from the DataModel." "(Error Code: 291)"
# Objective 3 (Play 10 songs)
- _(_Rewards 10,000 Cheddar to non-premium players and 13,000 Cheddar to Premium players)
Shade gets mad at Dots for stealing memories and after Shade walks away dots tells us to go practice songs and to leave him alone.
+ *(Rewards 10,000 Cheddar to non-premium players and 13,000 Cheddar to Premium players)
- Tip: If you want to get this objective done fast, play songs like Prologue from Pokepasta Perdition on 3x speed or rate, or Any other Song that is 1~ 2~ minutes long.
# Objective 4 (Find the memory)
+ >! Tip: If you want to get this objective done fast, play songs like Prologue from Pokepasta Perdition on 3x speed or rate, or Any other Song that is 1~ 2~ minutes long.
- _(_Rewards 2,400 Cheddar to non-premium players and 3,120 Cheddar to Premium players)
After you finish the 10 songs, you go back to Dots and open the next part of the case a pillar will come out of the ground with a memory on the top of it. This signifies that you have to do parkour to get to it. Once you get it, when you get back to dots, he says, "shade hasn't returned in quite some time" Once he sees the card he says' "Hey, wait, look at that! That's Shade on the card!" and, "I think- I think that this is her memory!"Then he says, "Yeah, it has to be! This could lead us to her!" And finally, "Quick, check the memory! Tell me what you see right away!"
+ *(Rewards 2,400 Cheddar to non-premium players and 3,120 Cheddar to Premium players)
# Objective 5 (View the third memory)
- _(_Rewards 3,600 Cheddar to non-premium players and 4,680 Cheddar to Premium players)
Once you open the memory you will have dialogue between Shade and Viro, with shade telling viro to leave. after the dialogue ends, the second song, Shaded starts.
+ *(Rewards 3,600 Cheddar to non-premium players and 4,680 Cheddar to Premium players)
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Shaded is a 3 minute 10 second song by MagiciansWRLD (Difficulty rating:2.5/10 without mechanics, and 6/10 with mechanics), and is the second song of the case. In the song Shade is battling Viro. Around the 2 minute 30 mark, the distraction starts, which is a black glitch that blocks the health bar is you don't have the minimal HUD on. At the 1 minute mark, the glitch turns green and covers more of the bars.
# Objective 6 (Find the remaining 3 memories)
- _(_Awards 5,000 Cheddar to non-premium players, and 6,500 Cheddar to Premium players)
All that is required for this one is to find 3 memories by doing parkour. There are checkpoints.
+ *(Awards 5,000 Cheddar to non-premium players, and 6,500 Cheddar to Premium players)
# Objective 7 (View the remaining 3 memories)
- ** (Awards 4,800 Cheddar to non-premium players, and 6,240 Cheddar to Premium players)
when you view the memories there will be more dialogue between Shade and Viro. Viro is infected by Stitched at this point and says his head hurts. Shade starts getting mad.
+ *(Awards 4,800 Cheddar to non-premium players, and 6,240 Cheddar to Premium players)
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For the first few minutes of the case being live, either completing or exiting out of the first memory would send you to a devtest server instead of the normal game.
After completing "View ???'s Memory, it renames itself to "View Viro's Memory"
- Look at this silly bwwnnuuyy :3 (this is stitch btw)