Commit 5c2d40

Cases/Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin
@@ 1,11 1,24@@
# Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin
::: danger
+ Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin is the second case, the first case is [The Initiation](, and the next case is [Virus Detected](
# This page is incomplete!
- bro the whole page info are losing expect the trivia
- anyways add the objectives first, i will do it later (yun
+ Add the **details** of **every objectives** and **interaction occurs**!
+ And check **every objectives**'s **authenticity**!
- <img src="/Cases/The%20Cutting%20Room%20Floor/image-1707947762373.png" width=100 >
+ <img src="/Cases/The%20Cutting%20Room%20Floor/1199015213425492058.webp" width=100 >
# Trivia
- Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin' is the only RAT! case to feature remixes of preexisting Friday Night Funkin' songs, as opposed to having a fully original soundtrack.
+ ## Objective 1
+ Find the key to open the door
+ ## Objective 2
+ i forgot
+ ## Objective 3
+ save the dev, ESCAPE THE BANLAND, and compelet the remixe of "Final Escape" and you are done