Commit 793392

Cases/Virus Detected
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You meet Dummy in his house, and before anything happens, a video call comes from the computer, and it happens to be "Shade"!! "Shade" claims that the case is now closed, and tries to get Dummy and the Player to leave. This fails, but "Shade" doesn't go without a fight, and the song "Skxtch" starts.
- Objective 5 (Skxtch)
+ # Objective 5 (Skxtch)
Tip: Skxtch (on hard mode) has a really fast notespeed, and can catch new players off guard
Skxtch is a 2 minute and 31 second song created by MagiciansWRLD, and is the first song you play when encountering "Shade." 23 seconds into the song, you'll see that this isn't Shade that you are singing against, it is revealed to be Viro.