Commit 8a0e5b

Cases/Virus Detected
@@ 62,5 62,5@@
Ending Cutscene: After XML Slammer, Spearmint feels proud about himself...until Viro tells him that he missed ALL of his shots. They go into another verbal arguement until Dummy tells everyone to get out. Spearmint shoots the computer Viro is in, which "kills" him. Spearmint says that he can infect another computer anyways, and leaves Dummy's house to try and find Viro. We left Dummy's house in shambles :(
# Trivia
- - In the real word, WannaCry is a worm virus.
+ - In the real world, WannaCry and MyDoom are actual viruses
- The sequel to Virus Detected is [The Cutting Room Floor](