Commit d5e838

@@ 18,46 18,50@@
_So, in theory, there is a 1/20 chance you get ANY dance from a roll._
- | Dance | Rarity | Insta-Dance Chance | Card Chance |
- | ----------- | ------ | ---------------- | ----------- |
+ # Dances and their Rarity
- | Accountless | Common | 0.429% | 11.00% |
+ >|# Chance and Rarity Sheet:
- | Fatherful Behavior | Common | 0.429% | 11.00% |
+ >|
- | RAT! Beta (R6) | Common | 0.429% | 11.00% |
+ >|| Dance | Rarity | Insta-Dance Chance | Card Chance |
- | RAT! Beta | Common | 0.214% | 5.50% |
+ >|| ----------- | ------ | ---------------- | ----------- |
- | Dr. Final Draft | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
+ >|| Accountless | Common | 0.429% | 11.00% |
- | #1 Furry Hater | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
+ >|| Fatherful Behavior | Common | 0.429% | 11.00% |
- | Most Awesome RAT Animation Pack | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
+ >|| RAT! Beta (R6) | Common | 0.429% | 11.00% |
- | My Pronouns are GNU/Linux | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
+ >|| RAT! Beta | Common | 0.214% | 5.50% |
- | The Student | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
+ >|| Dr. Final Draft | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
- | The Great Depression | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
+ >|| #1 Furry Hater | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
- | That One Rapper Boy | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
+ >|| Most Awesome RAT Animation Pack | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
- | It's Learnin' Time | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
+ >|| My Pronouns are GNU/Linux | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
- | Final Escapist | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
+ >|| The Student | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
- | Come Along Now | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
+ >|| The Great Depression | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
- | Men Ender | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
+ >|| That One Rapper Boy | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
- | Zombrian | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
+ >|| It's Learnin' Time | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
- | Steev | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
+ >|| Final Escapist | Uncommon | 0.125% | 3.21% |
- | Sneppy | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
+ >|| Come Along Now | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
- | And Here's the Floater | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
+ >|| Men Ender | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
- | "Pull Sharply" | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
+ >|| Zombrian | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
- | Error 303 | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
+ >|| Steev | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
- | The Polite Way to Talk to a Short Person | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
+ >|| Sneppy | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
- | Spaghetti Code | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| And Here's the Floater | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
- | C o m e A l o n g N o w | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| "Pull Sharply" | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
- | Brian | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| Error 303 | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
- | Creature | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| The Polite Way to Talk to a Short Person | Fresh | 0.083% | 2.14% |
- | Meat Grinder Enthusiast | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| Spaghetti Code | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | Zany | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| C o m e A l o n g N o w | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | Alleyway Attacker | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| Brian | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | Alex They Took my Face Alex Where's my Face | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| Creature | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | 🦊 | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| Meat Grinder Enthusiast | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | Angry Ender | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| Zany | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | Corrupted Puppet... | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| Alleyway Attacker | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | Not so Amazing Now | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| Alex They Took my Face Alex Where's my Face | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | Corruppet! | Legendary | 0.006% | 0.150% |
+ >|| 🦊 | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | What 3 Weeks Off the McRib Does to a Man | Legendary | 0.006% | 0.150% |
+ >|| Angry Ender | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | Distorted Dragon | Legendary | 0.006% | 0.150% |
+ >|| Corrupted Puppet... | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
- | Average 6'1 Male | Legendary | 0.006% | 0.150% |
+ >|| Not so Amazing Now | Sweet | 0.029% | 0.752% |
+ >|| Corruppet! | Legendary | 0.006% | 0.150% |
# Special Dances
+ >|| What 3 Weeks Off the McRib Does to a Man | Legendary | 0.006% | 0.150% |
+ >|| Distorted Dragon | Legendary | 0.006% | 0.150% |
+ >|| Average 6'1 Male | Legendary | 0.006% | 0.150% |