Commit d83df5

Cases/The Cutting Room Floor
@@ 228,15 228,15@@
- >|we see "mynameisstitched" or something like that be typed. This seems to confirm that Stitched is typing, as well as trying to kill himself??? (oh and r.i.p. Viro)
+ >| * we see "mynameisstitched" or something like that be typed. This seems to confirm that Stitched is typing, as well as trying to kill himself??? (oh and r.i.p. Viro)
- >| MyDOOM in the real world is a actual computer worm virus.
+ >| * MyDOOM in the real world is a actual computer worm virus.
- >|For the first few minutes of the case being live, either completing or exiting out of the first memory would send you to a devtest server instead of the normal game.
+ >| * For the first few minutes of the case being live, either completing or exiting out of the first memory would send you to a devtest server instead of the normal game.
- >|After completing "View ???'s Memory, it renames itself to "View Viro's Memory"
+ >| * After completing "View ???'s Memory, it renames itself to "View Viro's Memory"
- >|In the dialogue for when Shade found out that Dots stole memory cards, one of the words "business" is actually misspelled as "buisiness."
+ >| * In the dialogue for when Shade found out that Dots stole memory cards, one of the words "business" is actually misspelled as "buisiness."