Commit dfb26f

@@ 25,28 25,51@@
Based off his hat and hair, he's most likely the RAT! equivalent of Boyfriend. (I mean, why else would he have that hat?)
All Dialog
First encounter:
"WOW that was bad."
"Look, if you need some help, then why don't you just come to me?"
"why? i'm kenny! i'm the best rhythm gamer in alphatopia! (don't tell shade i said that though)"
"i can beat that whatever-you're-stuck-on in no time!"
"just, uhhh, i can't do it for free. chester always said i needed to get a job soon, so..."
"whaddaya say? (robux symbol)69 for me to beat this stage for you?"
(yes or no popup appears)
"(random quote)"
"just keep in mind, Dots definitely isn't going to pay you. he can tell a liar when he sees one"
(gamepass appears)
further encounters (same song):
"ooo, mama..."/"what even was that?"
"look, my offer still stands. 69 Robux for me to beat this stage for you?"
(yes or no)
"(random quote)"
"just keep in mind, Dots definitely isn't going to pay you. he can tell a liar when he sees one"
(gamepass appears)
No Way:
"aww, really? oh well!"
`(feel free to edit)`