Commit e7b1d6

Cases/Virus Detected
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Virus Detected is the 3rd Case that the player encounters. After you complete Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin' this case is accessible to you. It introduces 2 characters that face you during songs.
# Objective One
- When you first open this case, Dots tells you about anomaly fragments that have appeared throughout the map. You have to collect **5** fragments. After doing so, Dots will examine the anomaly, and tocuh it (Dots gets shocked!!!!). After getting hurt by the anomaly, he quickly warns the player not to touch these.
+ When you first open this case, Dots tells you about anomaly fragments that have appeared throughout the map. You have to collect **5** fragments. After doing so, Dots will examine the anomaly, and touch it (Dots gets shocked!!!!). After getting hurt by the anomaly, he quickly warns the player not to touch these.
These anomaly fragments seem to be roblox assets, but purple and transparent. It is unknown how these things are in the state they are in now. Before Dots could look further into this, he gets an urgent call from [Dummy](, saying that he doesn't want "IT" to here him. Dots cannot leave his post, so he sends the player to help Dummy instead.