Commit ef8d83

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- # Cases
- Cases are RAT's non-daily missions. There are mainly two types of cases, those being story mode missions and limited time challenges. Story mode missions typically feature plot-developing cutscenes and original songs and charts. Limited time challenges, on the other hand, are temporary missions players can take which typically entail playing pre-existing songs for a Cheddar reward.
- Much like [[missions|Daily Missions]], cases can be accessed either by talking to Dots, or by clicking or tapping the "Missions" icon on the HUD.
- <br>
- ### Story mode cases
- - [The Initiation](
- - [Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin'](
- - [Virus Detected](
- - [The Cutting Room Floor](
- <!--Please don't go into like, unnecessary info like trivia and stuff for the individual cases here. Feel free to add a trivia section once we have dedicated pages for each case-->
- ##### The Initiation
- The Initiation is the first case that becomes available to the player upon first joining the game. It serves as an introduction to the Case System and unlocks Daily Missions aswell introduces Dots as a Character. [[(More info)|Cases/The Initiation]]
- ##### Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin'
- Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin' was the second case added to the game, coming out an entire week before Virus Detected. The events in this case are non-canon. In this case, the player must assist Shade with recovering the game's developer who has been kidnapped by Roblox Trust and Safety and cast into Banland.
- [[(More info)|Cases/Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin]]
- ##### Virus Detected
- The first case that added into the game.
- in this case, dots is aware that there are some anomaly fragments around the city, and requires players collect them all and when we find them all, and we need to to help check dummy's computer. [[(More info)|Cases/Virus Detected]]
- ##### The Cutting Room Floor
- In the first, dots say he found a magnetic tape and want players to check what's the info inside the magnetic tape, this case seem like using the magnetic tape to tells the player what happen after the virus detected case, without player and dots aware it. [[(More info)|Cases/The Cutting Room Floor]]
- <br>
- ### Limited-time Challenges
- ##### Funky Kenny's Easy Challenge <!-- or whatever it was called i dont rember -->
- FC [[Leguminophobia (Insane)|Current Song List#vs-anti-bean-milita]]. Reward: 1 (One) [[Cheddar]] and a Titan Kenny Pet.
- - This is likely a riff off of how unbalanced [[Daily Missions]] can be.
- - Not Available anymore
- ##### Funkin' Origins <!-- or whatever it was called i dont rember -->
- Get A or Higher in all songs from [[Funkin' Origins|Current Song List#funkin-origins]].
- - Likely a promo for the mod itself being added.
- - Not Available anymore
Cases/The Cutting Room Floor
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- ## Introduction
- As soon as you open the case you will be greeted with Dots excitement, since he found a working piece of someone's memory.
- <img src="/Cases/The%20Cutting%20Room%20Floor/Screenshot_2024-02-14_171919.png?" width=100 >
- After calling [Shade]( bossy and other stuff, Dots suggests that the [Player]( should check the memory, since they know how to look into them.
- ## Objective 1 (View ???'s Memory)
- *(Rewards 2,400 Cheddar to non-premium players and 3,120 Cheddar to Premium players)*
- As soon as we check the memory, we see Viro teleporting into some sort of purgatory.
- <img src="/Cases/The%20Cutting%20Room%20Floor/image_2024-02-14_173432905.png?" width=300>
- After remembering the events of Virus Detected (Spearmint shot the computer Viro was manifesting(Aka dummy's computer)), he redirects his mind into figuring out how to get back to the RAT Universe.
- After this, you get teleported into a RAT subgame. There are 2 levels.
- Level 1 is red and orange realm that features a platformer. In front of a wall, is some shifting black code. You'll need to find **8 bits of scrapped code** scattered around the map, in order to turn the shifting black code into a door. Some pieces of code are easier to find than others, so using a tutorial would help.
- After finding all 8 pieces of code, you are able to go back to the shifting black code, and it will turn into a door. After doing this, you are able to go to level 2.
- Level 2 is a blue and green realm, mostly covered in fog. You have to navigate through gigantic blocks, and moving platforms. Once you reach the end, there will be another door awaiting for you at the end.
- After reaching it, Viro notices that he isn't going be teleporting to the normal RAT lobby, but decides to take chances anyway. After this, you get teleported back to the original RAT game.
- ## Objective 2 (View the second memory)
- _**(**_Rewards 2,400 Cheddar to non-premium players and 3,120 Cheddar to Premium players)
- You talk to Dots, and tell him that the memory we were looking at was Viro's. Before the tourist can tell Dots the events that took place in the memory, Dots shows a different memory card.
- <img src="/Cases/The%20Cutting%20Room%20Floor/image_2024-02-17_120415716.png?" width=100 >
- This card, however, has patches of green, and parts of some assets, on it. Dots says it is "worn down"
- and is a little hesitant on if it will even work. Before Dots can ask about the first memory card, we can hear Shade from far away, asking Dots for help. Dots panicks, and tells the tourist to take the memory and view it in secret.
- Once you view the memory, Viro makes another appearance.
- <img src="/Cases/The%20Cutting%20Room%20Floor/Reflective_Glass.png?" width=300>
- On reflective windows....
- Viro says this map looks horrible, but his interests are quickly directed to a piece of green-black scrapped code. He teleports into a TV to get a better view of the code.
- He then brings the code into life, and the character starts speaking. Their way of speech is heavily distorted, but does perplex Viro, after this, the song Stitched is played.
- ## Objective 2.5 (Stitched)
- Stitched is a 1 minute 51 second song created by MagiciansWRLD (Difficulty rating:1.5/10), and is the first song of The Cutting Room Floor. In this song, Viro sings against scrapped code (Who's name we later find out is Stitched)
- Later, in the song, the screen temporarily goes black, and Stitch goes from 2D to 3D. The screen flashbangs into green, and the background is illuminated with green light, as well as green glitches appearing around the map, near Stitched.
- At the end of the song, the screen fades black again.
- After You beat the song, you are teleported to a pillar in the sky with parkour to Stitched. But on the last block to Stitched, the block is fake so you fall. After you fall through the block, you are disconnected for "Player has been removed from the DataModel." "(Error Code: 291)"
- ## Objective 3 (Play 10 songs)
- _**(**_Rewards 10,000 Cheddar to non-premium players and 13,000 Cheddar to Premium players)
- [Shade]( gets mad at Dots for stealing memories and after [Shade]( walks away dots tells us to go practice songs and to leave him alone.
- >!Tip: If you want to get this objective done fast, play songs like Prologue from Pokepasta Perdition on 3x speed or rate, or Any other Song that is 1~ 2~ minutes long.
- ## Objective 4 (Find the memory)
- _**(**_Rewards 2,400 Cheddar to non-premium players and 3,120 Cheddar to Premium players)
- After you finish the 10 songs, you go back to Dots and open the next part of the case a pillar will come out of the ground with a memory on the top of it. This signifies that you have to do parkour to get to it.
- Once you get it, when you get back to dots, he says, "shade hasn't returned in quite some time"
- Once he sees the card he says' "Hey, wait, look at that! That's Shade on the card!" and, "I think- I think that this is her memory!"Then he says, "Yeah, it has to be! This could lead us to her!" And finally, "Quick, check the memory! Tell me what you see right away!"
- ## Objective 5 (View the third memory)
- _**(**_Rewards 3,600 Cheddar to non-premium players and 4,680 Cheddar to Premium players)
- Once you open the memory you will have dialogue between Shade and Viro, with shade telling viro to leave. after the dialogue ends, the second song, Shaded starts.
- ## Objective 5.5 (Shaded)
- Shaded is a 3 minute 10 second song by MagiciansWRLD (Difficulty rating:2.5/10 without mechanics, and 6/10 with mechanics), and is the second song of the case. In the song Shade is battling Viro. Around the 2 minute 30 mark, the distraction starts, which is a black glitch that blocks the health bar is you don't have the minimal HUD on. At the 1 minute mark, the glitch turns green and covers more of the bars.
- ## Objective 6 (Find the remaining 3 memories)
- _**(**_Awards 5,000 Cheddar to non-premium players, and 6,500 Cheddar to Premium players)
- All that is required for this one is to find 3 memories by doing parkour. There are checkpoints.
- ## Objective 7 (View the remaining 3 memories)
- ** *(*Awards 4,800 Cheddar to non-premium players, and 6,240 Cheddar to Premium players)
- when you view the memories there will be more dialogue between Shade and Viro. Viro is infected by Stitched at this point and says his head hurts. Shade starts getting mad.
- ## Objective 7.5 (MyDoom)
- MyDoom is a 3 minute 33 second song and is made by JDST(Difficulty rating:7/10). It is the third and final song of the case. There are two new notes, A green glitch note and a purple glitch note. The purple one is a damage note and covers the lanes for 1-2 seconds, while the green ones are like the ones in unbeatable in the no miss section.
- ## END
- In the end of the tape, shade seems like using the command prompt to try to remove [stitched]( from the game, but after got multiple errors in a row, she finally choose to kill [viro]( and success.
- # Trivia
- - MyDOOM in the real world is a true computer worm virus.
- - For the first few minutes of the case being live, either completing or exiting out of the first memory would send you to a devtest server instead of the normal game.
- - After completing "View ???'s Memory, it renames itself to "View Viro's Memory"
- # Gallery
- Look at this silly bwwnnuuyy :3 (this is stitch btw)
- <img src="" width=280>
cases/the cutting room floor/1199015213425492058.webp
cases/the cutting room floor/Reflective_Glass.png
cases/the cutting room floor/Screenshot_2024-02-14_171919.png
cases/the cutting room floor/Stxtch.png
cases/the cutting room floor/image-1707947762373.png
cases/the cutting room floor/image_2024-02-14_173432905.png
cases/the cutting room floor/image_2024-02-17_120415716.png
Cases/The Initiation
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- ::: danger
- please note that this page is seriously unfinished and Will be getting changes. the information on it **may** be inaccurate or outdated!
- <img src="" width=100 >
- :::
- # The Initiation
- the Initiation is the first case that acts as tutorial and is recommended to be completed to unlock the general source of RAT's In Game Currency Also known as [Cheddar]( by completing Missions.
- # Dialogue
- When you first join the game and open missions and open the initation, you will be presented with this dialogue
- Dots: "So you think you've got what it takes to work alongside THE Dots?"
- Dots: "Before you can be let into the SECRET daily missions club, you're gonna have to prove yourself!"
- Dots: "Me and my assistant have set up some trials for you."
- Shade: "Assistant?"
- Dots: "Complete them or you will be EXPELLED from our investigation team. Forever!"
- Shade: "* Don't worry, they aren't as hard as he makes them out to be." <!--Idk why there is a asterisk is there.-->
- ### Objectives
- <!--*note to next editor:*
- *i only added the danger, and added all the objectives that should be here. all other changes are from "Anon". please don't blame this on me.** -->
- 1. Play Lighto with Shade(gives 1500 cheddar to non-premium players and 1950 cheddar to premium players)
- 2. 1v1 another player (1 time)(gives 1500 cheddar to non-premium players and 1950 cheddar to premium players)
- 3. Play 5 songs(gives 6400 cheddar to non-premium players and 8320 cheddar to premium players)
- once you finish the 3 objectives you will be granted access to [Daily Missions]( and will also be able to do the cases [virus Detected]( and [Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin](
- # Lighto Dialogue
- When you start the song you wil be presented with the following dialogue.
- Shade: "I'm gonna guess you know the basics of a 4-key rhythm game already, but remember!"
- Shade: "RAT ISN'T like that other funky rhythm game you may have played before.We're closer to more standard rhythm games."
- Shade: "So make sure you remember to lift at the end of hold notes!... and don't just mash the keys! You'll lose a LOT of health that way!"
- Shade: "If your health runs out, you'll fail the song, and you won't be able to complete any missions!"
- Shade: "Anyways, you ready?"
- Lighto(tutorial) starts
- After the song ends you will be presented with the following dialogue.
- Shade: "Good job!"
- Shade: "Go back to dots to collect your prize!"
- # After completing the case
- You are presented with the badge, "Junior Ivestigator Extraordinaire!", and the following dialogue.
- Dots: "Congratulations! You did it!"
- Shade: "Good Job!"
- Dots: "As promised, you are now an OFFICIAL member of the Alphatopia Investigation Team!"
- Shade: " * JUNIOR Investigation Team" <!-- Again I don't know why there is asterisk there again-->
- Dots: "Yeah, yeah, whatever."
- Dots: "To keep you vigilant, I've given you access to our SECRET daily missions. Just some activities for you to do while I look for more cases! I'll even pay you for them!"
- Dots: "Just come visit me behind the Red House every once and a while. You know the password by now."
- <!-- FYI it has been a while since i have done the initiation -->
cases/the initiation/Shade1.png
Cases/Virus Detected
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- # Virus Detected
- Virus Detected is the 3rd Case that the player encounters. After you complete Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin' this case is accessible to you. It introduces 2 characters that face you during songs.
- # Objective One
- When you first open this case, Dots tells you about anomaly fragments that have appeared throughout the map. You have to collect **5** fragments. After doing so, Dots will examine the anomaly, and touch it (Dots gets shocked!!!!). After getting hurt by the anomaly, he quickly warns the player not to touch these.
- These anomaly fragments seem to be roblox assets, but purple and transparent. It is unknown how these things are in the state they are in now. Before Dots could look further into this, he gets an urgent call from [Dummy](, saying that he doesn't want "IT" to here him. Dots cannot leave his post, so he sends the player to help Dummy instead.
- # Objective Two
- The player is now assigned to talk to Dummy (who is located at his stand) about the sudden anomalies. Dummy says that his computer has some sort of infection going on with it. Whatever it is, it's clearly not supposed to be there. Dummy even says that his computer has started "threatening" him, which means that the computer (or the virus inside the computer) can communicate with Dummy, saying "he'll be the first to go when the process is complete."
- The virus also seems to be associated with the purple anomalies, and such. Dummy says that he can let you in his house, but not until he's done with his work. The conversation ends, and the objective is completed.
- # Objective Three
- The player talks to Dots about the virus inhabiting Dummy's computer. Dots is confused at first, saying how it makes no sense why the virus can mess with the real world, even though they are inside a computer, but Dots shrouds this and tells the player that they should head to Dummy's house so they can learn more about the virus, and how to get rid of it. But since Dummy is still on his working shift, they can't actually enter his house just yet. Dots tells the player that they can pass time by practicing a few songs. You have to play 5 songs before talking to Dots again.
- # Objective Four
- After finishing the 5 songs, Dummy says that he is now availible for the Player, so they can finally go to his house.
- You meet Dummy in his house, and before anything happens, a video call comes from the computer, and it happens to be "Shade"!! "Shade" claims that the case is now closed, and tries to get Dummy and the Player to leave. This fails, but "Shade" doesn't go without a fight, and the song "Skxtch" starts.
- # Objective 5 (Skxtch)
- _Tip: Skxtch (on hard mode) has a really fast notespeed, and can catch new players off guard_
- Skxtch is a 2 minute and 31 second song created by MagiciansWRLD, and is the first song you play when encountering "Shade." 23 seconds into the song, you'll see that this isn't Shade that you are singing against, it is revealed to be [Viro](
- Halfway through the song (1 minute and 36 seconds) Viro and the player are teleported to some sort of purple dimension with all of [Dummy's]( furniture running amuck (and parts of the main map?)
- Once the song ends, you are transported back to Dummy's house, and the next cutscene plays.
- # Objective 6 (WannaCry)
- **Cutscene: After the song Skxtch, Viro taunts you on how he was able to easily access the game. Then, we can see that Dummy's house is notably destroyed. While ignoring Dummy, Viro questions why someone isn't here yet, and phone calls them. This person spawned in space, skyrocketing down towards Earth. While we wait for this mystery person, we go against Viro in another song.**
- WannaCry is a 2 minute and 9 second song created by Teserex, and is the second song that you play against Viro. This song also introduces Viro's danger notes. If you hit these, your note will change position vertically, and a considerable amount of your health will be stolen. These notes look white with a red glow emitting from them, the notes also have Viro's face on them. The amount of danger notes that appear differ each difficulty.
- While Viro is idle for a certain amount of time, a sign will appear in front of him with the text "INCOMING [SPEARMINT]("
- Halfway through the song (exactly 1 minute), an interaction occurs:
- **Viro: Hey, out of uhhh sheer curiosity, what's your mother's maiden name?**
- **Player: Beep**
- **Viro: Is-that, is that really the only sound you can make???**
- **Player: O**
- **Viro: -growls-**
- After this, the danger notes appear much more frequently throughout the end of the song.
- # Objective 7 (XML Slammer)
- **Starting Cutscene: After playing WannaCry, the mystery person (Spearmint) kicks Dummy's door down, and lets himself inside the house. Viro and Spearmint have a small feud about why it took him so long to get here, but they realize that the player still exists, and Spearmint decides that him and Viro should kill the player. And the song XML Slammer is played.**
- XML Slammer is a 2 minute and 13 second song created by Teserex, and is the last song in Virus Detected. It features both [Spearmint](https:// and [Viro]( going against the player.
- Not only do Viro's danger notes make an appearance in this song, Spearmint will also try shooting the player with his Uzi. Golden notes will appear, signaling that Spearmint is about to shoot, if you hit these notes, then the player will dodge. Should the player not hit a golden note, and Spearmint will kill them, prompting you to replay the song.
- After 1 minute and 31 seconds, Viro sings again but gets interrupted by Spearmint 5 seconds later, causing Viro to get pissy. Then Spearmint gets mad, and they both fight eachother (by singing!!!) While they fight, Viro and Spearmint will spam their death notes, which goes on until 2 minutes into the song, where the player is met with an onslaught of notes that they have to hit. After this, the song is finished.
- Ending Cutscene: After XML Slammer, Spearmint feels proud about himself...until Viro tells him that he missed ALL of his shots. They go into another verbal arguement until Dummy tells everyone to get out. Spearmint shoots the computer Viro is in, which "kills" him. Spearmint says that he can infect another computer anyways, and leaves Dummy's house to try and find Viro. We left Dummy's house in shambles :(
- # Trivia
- - In the real world, WannaCry and MyDoom are actual viruses
- - The sequel to Virus Detected is [The Cutting Room Floor](
cases/virus detected/Screenshot_2024-02-14_170841.png
cases/virus detected/Screenshot_2024-02-14_171919.png