Commit fa31f1
Characters/Viro | |
@@ 22,5 22,5@@ | |
- According to Niiko, he has a spear because he's part [Virovirokun]( | |
- Viro had a UGC that could be obtained by getting a GFC rating in the song "Scramble" | |
- - The UGC has sold out, since there was only 10 copies of it. | |
- | - Viro seems to be based off his creator's Minecraft skin (and maybe his avatar in general) |
+ | - Viro seems to be based off the avatar his creator uses. |
- - This is probably also the reason why he goes by Watson, and also why he has SKEDGY at the end of his name (EdgySkedgy was the @ of Viro's creator). |