Virus Detected
Virus Detected is the 3rd Case that the player encounters. After you complete Nineteen Eighty Bloxxin' this case is accessible to you. It introduces 2 characters that face you during songs.
Objective One
When you first open this case, Dots tells you about anomaly fragments that have appeared throughout the map. You have to collect 5 fragments. After doing so, Dots will examine the anomaly, and tocuh it (Dots gets shocked!!!!). After getting hurt by the anomaly, he quickly warns the player not to touch these.
These anomaly fragments seem to be roblox assets, but purple and transparent. It is unknown how these things are in the state they are in now. Before Dots could look further into this, he gets an urgent call from Dummy, saying that he doesn't want "IT" to here him. Dots cannot leave his post, so he sends the player to help Dummy instead.
Objective Two
The player is now assigned to talk to Dummy (who is located at his stand) about the sudden anomalies. Dummy says that his computer has some sort of infection going on with it. Whatever it is, it's clearly not supposed to be there. Dummy even says that his computer has started "threatening" him, which means that the computer (or the virus inside the computer) can communicate with Dummy, saying "he'll be the first to go when the process is complete."
The virus also seems to be associated with the purple anomalies, and such. Dummy says that he can let you in his house, but not until he's done with his work. The conversation ends, and the objective is completed.
Objective Three
The player talks to Dots about the virus inhabiting Dummy's computer. Dots is confused at first, saying how it makes no sense why the virus can mess with the real world, even though they are inside a computer, but Dots shrouds this and tells the player that they should head to Dummy's house so they can learn more about the virus, and how to get rid of it. But since Dummy is still on his working shift, they can't actually enter his house just yet. Dots tells the player that they can pass time by practicing a few songs. You have to play 5 songs before talking to Dots again.
Objective Four
After finishing the 5 songs, Dummy says that he is now availible for the Player, so they can finally go to his house.
You meet Dummy in his house, and before anything happens, a video call comes from the computer, and it happens to be Shade!! "Shade" claims that the case is now closed, and tries to get Dummy and the Player to leave. This fails, but "Shade" doesn't go without a fight, and the song "Sxtch" starts.