

Icons are images can be seen during match. It's displayed on the health bar while you are in a match. Just like OPA CVO, icons also have their rarities.

Such as:

opa cvo

Icon Effects

Icons can have special Tween FXs, Sheen FXs and Gleam FXs, here's a list of all of them:

FX Type Chance
CVO uhmmmmmmm 0.267%

Gleam FXs are obtainable on any icon during events. Such effects will be unobtainable after said event ends:

Name Chance Event Obtainable
cvo idk asdfhaisufhsdiaufhasdufiahsdfuh

There are unique icon types that are exclusive to their respective event, and are not obtainable once it ends.

Name Type Event
Ghostly Unobtainable Halloween
Spooky Fresh - Sweet Halloween
Candle Unobtainable Christmas
Jolly Common - Sweet Christmas
Lovely Unobtainable Valentine's
Flower Crown Common - Uncommon Easter
Spring Spirit Unobtainable Easter


  • A few icons can do an unique sound when clicked on, Amogaloids play distinct sounds from Among Us for example.
  • CHEDDAR Icons are the rarest variants of certain Icons with lower rarity.
  • It's possible for an icon from the gacha machine to have both a Tween and Gleam FX.
  • Sometimes, the Icon Gacha machine can sneeze when dispensing icons. The chance of this is unknown.
  • Due to circumstances, the "Skull Dog" icon was removed from the Gacha, but those who obtained it before removal got to keep all their copies of it.
  • Because of the way the Icon Gacha chances work, the more icons above Fresh rarity there are, the rarer Legendary and Cheddar Icons become, which means events usually rig chances for the Unobtainable Icons to be more likely than those.
  • In a way, the Heart Guy icon is the first event icon to not exactly have its own icon type, as it is the only Valentine's icon to not be of Unobtainable rarity, and "Heart" can describe the Lovely icon type quite well already.
Icons Icon Effects Trivia
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9